Proficio Persona Club

The Proficio Persona Club at GLA University is a dynamic platform dedicated to nurturing the personal and professional growth of its members. This vibrant personality development club offers students a unique opportunity to hone their communication skills, leadership qualities, and interpersonal abilities.

Mission & Vision of Club

Holistic Personality Development: We are dedicated to providing a comprehensive platform for holistic personality development, encompassing communication skills, emotional intelligence, leadership abilities, and self-awareness.

Promoting Inclusivity: We are committed to promoting inclusivity and creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to enhance their personality.

A Hub of Personal Development Excellence: Proficio Persona Club aspires to be recognized as a hub of excellence in personal development, setting the standard for similar clubs and organizations in universities nationwide.

Global Citizens: We envision our members as global citizens, possessing not only the necessary academic knowledge but also the interpersonal and life skills required to excel in a diverse and interconnected world.

Corporate Insights

Proficio Persona Club, organized "Corporate Insights" seminar on 1st November 2023, featuring renowned psychologist Dr. Nelu, CEO, and founder of Mentorick. She captivated the audience by shedding light on the challenges faced in the corporate world, and also provided solutions for the same. She took real life examples which instilled confidence and motivation in the students. She also engaged the students in psychological activities and discussions. The event left a lasting message " We must be thankful and grateful for this beautiful life".


""Abhi raag" a vibrant cultural fest for promoting a wide variety of cultural diversity and artistic expression, dance, music, theatre and visual arts. Proficio Persona Club organised this fest to encourage foster unity, building connections and embrace their culture heritage through universal language of arts. It is celebration of cultural exchange, artistic collaboration and power of human expression.


On November 25, 2023, The Proficio Persona Club, in collaboration with the Student Affairs Council of GLA University, organized a integral part of Srijan MANTHAN, a thought provoking event. It brought students from various schools with more then 60+ participants, offering a platform for presentations on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, amazing business Ideas etc.


Proficio persona club, gla university, organized an ingenious event Sanchayan 2. O on 5th november 2022 from 11am-2pm in the EC conference hall ab-2. Over 250+ students were testimony to the vibes of the hall. The event was graced with the presence of dignitaries of ibm as well as the alumni of the club.

About What We Do & Who We Are

The personality development club of IBM that aims at developing personality of the students and provide them the platform for their growth and development for corporate life.

Proficio Persona Club is a personality development club managed by the Institute of Business Management, GLA University. Its name is derived from a Latin word "Proficio", which means" I advance, make progress, make headway." While the word "Persona" denotes a character that the students ably present

Meet Ours Mentors

  • “Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth; your personality is not set in stone, but a masterpiece in constant creation. Cultivate the traits that empower you, and with each intentional step forward, sculpt a version of yourself that radiates strength, authenticity, and boundless potential"

    Prof. Anurag Singh

  • “Embrace the unique melody of your soul, for in the symphony of life, it is your distinct notes that compose the beautiful masterpiece of your personality”

    Dr. Utkal Khandelwal

  • “Embrace growth, embark on a self-discovery sojourn, be resilient yet flexible, be authentic and let your persona define your uniqueness”

    Dr. Amit Kumar

  • “In the midst of outside chaos, all you can do is keeping calm”

    Ms. Devika Agrawal

  • “Like a canvas waiting for the artist's brush, our personalities unfold with every choice, experience, and lesson. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, for in the palette of personal growth, we paint the masterpiece of our own character.”

    Dr . Hari Prapan Sharma

  • “Do some introspection and awake your consciousness to bring better version of yourself”

    Dr. Ritesh Sharma

  • “Success is not just a destination; it's a transformative journey fueled by resilience, fueled by learning, and ignited by the unwavering belief that every challenge is an opportunity for growth.”

    Ms. Vidhi Jalan